<6/23/14 @ 10:19 PM PST>
- Hey! Daniel Makabe went to England! Four guys went to New York! We're working
with another promotion! Exclamation mark!
- Let's talk updates:
1) Roster pictures. Fancy new pics and bios for: Daniel Makabe, Yakuza J, Kaden
Talbain, Scott Henson, and Drew Sarian, as well as the tag teams of Fur &
Loathing, and the Rain City Coalition.
2) PROMOS. What's that? FOUR new promos? You heard right. Head on over the
Supershow Promos section in Multimedia here and
check out the three promos for NYE4 and one for BDWU3.
3) BDWU3. Good segue. This is happening. This is real. This is big. August 29th
and 30th, 2014.
4) Season 4 update. Don't want to give away results, but how about what's on tap
for the first several episodes:
401: BLOOPS AND BLEEPS, 402: Fur & Loathing vs. Rain City Coalition/Battle
Royal/Daniel Makabe & Dan Van Virtigo vs. McGoodwin, 403: Mercury vs. Drake
Braylor vs. Alex Cross/Daniel Makabe vs. Brad Rush, 404: Mercury vs. The Russ
vs. Omega vs. Ian Finnegan/Fur & Loathing vs. Joey Tornado & Jack Diesel/Fur &
Loathing vs. The Flamboyz, 405: Battle Royal/Team ISUXDIX vs. GBYWN All-Stars.
That's a pretty good start, right? And once these start going up, the full
matches will follow.
5) More media. We have a chunk of full, commentated ISUXDIX matches ready to
upload, and a chunk more to do, so stay tuned.
6) Vague allusions. We are working with a new fed. We can't say who they are or
who of us is working with them until that person or persons actually debut on
their show. Get it? No? Don't worry about it. It'll make more sense when we can
talk about it. We will say that Lenny D is not working with TNA, but beyond
that, we can't go into specifics.
Old News:
2014: January,
February, March, April, May
2013: January,
February, March, April,
May, June, July, August, September,
November, December
2012: January,
February, March, April,
May, June, July, August,
September, October,
November, December
January, February,
March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October,
November, December
2010: January,
February, March, April, May,
June, July, August, September, October,
November, December
January, February,
March, April,
May, June,
July, August, September,
October, November, December
2008: January, February, March, April,
May, June,
July, August,
September, October,
November, December
January, February,
March, April,
May, June,
July, August,
September, October,
November, December
January, February,
March, April,
May, June,
July, August,
September, October,
November, December
January, February,
March, April,
May, June,
July, August,
September, October,
November, December
January, February,
March, April,
May, June,
July, August,
September, October,
November, December
2003: January,
February, March,
May, June,
July, August,
September, October,
November, December
2002: November, December