<4/2/07 @ 2:51 AM PST>

- Hey, remember when we didn't even announce a card on the site, or in fact write anything about VVTW4 for over two weeks leading up to it? Remember that? Yeah, we do. Well, it probably had a lot to do with the fact that VCW officials were balancing their time between scrambling to find a venue for the show and contemplating suicide about not having found a venue for the show. Up to the Wednesday before the VVTW4 weekend, there was no venue, and VVTW4 had potential to be the biggest failure in the history of wrestling, with 17 people flying in and nowhere to wrestle. By some miracle, something came through on that Wednesday, and we were able able to secure the old Wrestleplex for the weekend (thereby completely invalidating Scott Henson's "farewell to the Wrestleplex" promo from December, but he was okay with that). Once that came through, everything else fell into place, and the show ended up being great. Actually, fuck great. It was THE best show to date. Not in VCW, but anywhere. FUIUD. And hell, fuck Lou if u disagree, too. So can we talk about the show now? Are we doing this now? We're doing this? Alright. How about Chris Frank as the best mystery guy, destroying Lenny D as fake mystery guy? How about five guys from the United the fuck Kingdom flying over here and all being awesome? How about Ruckus being the most charismatic man? How about Senor Cerveza completely owning the crowd? How about Jake Adams and CJ Williams wanting to team for the rest of their lives as a result of the booking? How about CJ Williams's best match ever? How about Special K's best match ever? How about Allan Creasy's best match ever? How about VCW's best deathmatch ever? How about Shoemania? How about the BXCW 24/7 American Title lineage? How about Mike Wyld and Special K somehow topping last year, with some help from Cruiserfan & Denzel? How about Seth Cage's classy kickpads? How about Cole Crazy beating Chris Mason? How about Nick Price becoming the world's most hated man? How about when he lost the title to Yakuza J? How about DangerDave being the world's gutsiest man, busting out a top-rope rana seconds after wrecking his knee? How about Omega's best performance in recent memory? How about Omegas of London? How about Rigor Mortis being one sexy motherfucker? How about Scott Henson and Steve Farrell exchanging 80 chops? How about Scott's chest after those chops? How about their promos after the match? How about a Swanton out of the Eagle's nest that DIDN'T break a table? How about Tyrant taking the scariest suplex in the history of wrestling from Daniel Makabe? How about Spanish ring introductions? How about Zeus McFly's dick? How about the worst day of Drew Cordeiro's life? How about when J Steal fucked you? How about that "how about that" chant?
- For more chitty chats about the show, go here: http://www.thebywlink.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7045
- With VVTW4 in the books, everything is now focussed on getting a permanent venue. Returning to the Wrestleplex is looking hopeful, as are a couple other options, so hopefully it shouldn't be much longer. As you can see by the Events section, we have big plans once we get back to running regularly. We have our first 64 days (roughly 2 months) of shows planned, as well as the dates of our major supershows, provided we have a venue in time for them. Hopefully we won't miss the 5 Year Wrestleplex anniversary, currently scheduled for April 28, four weeks from now.

Old News:

2007: January, February, March
2006: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
2005: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
2004: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
2003: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
2002: November, December