<11/27/03 @ 2:19 AM PST>

- Yup, we're still alive. Severe lack of shows, though. Hopefully we'll get around to something next weekend. In the meantime, though, VCW's "Hot Shit" Scott Henson & Daniel Makabe will be making their PROFESSIONAL~! debuts for ASPW this Saturday (Nov. 29) in Cloverdale. The show starts at 7:30 p.m., so come on down.

<11/10/03 @ 3:34 AM PST>

- Hey! More full matches! We promised you two yesterday, but we did three. Why? Because we love you. We've got:
-- Lenny D vs. The Man-Beast, 5/11/02
-- Jason Drake vs. Chris Mason vs. Psychotic Kid, 6/28/03
-- Yakuza J & Lenny D vs. Scott Henson & Daniel Makabe, 6/28/03
- That brings our "Full Match" Total up to 23. That, plus 33 music videos, plus 3 "Other", equals BEST MEDIA SECTION EVAR. We thank you for your time.

<11/9/03 @ 4:29 AM PST>

- As promised, we got a whole wackload a' matches ya (all with commentary, and some with pre-match promos~!) up in the Multimedia Section. The list reads as follows:
-- "Hot Shit" Scott Henson vs. MAKABE, 1/5/02
-- MAKABE vs. The Man-Beast, 1/12/02
-- The Man-Beast vs. Lenny D, 7/31/02
-- Lenny D vs. Saiko Pantera, 8/3/02
-- Daniel Makabe vs. "Hot Shit" Scott Henson vs. Lenny D, 12/7/02
-- Ghetto Pantera vs. "Insane" Shane Mondo, 12/14/02
-- Chris Mason vs. "Hot Shit" Scott Henson, 2/23/03
-- Lenny D vs. "Insane" Shane Mondo, 2/23/03
-- Chris Mason vs. Lenny D, 3/23/03
-- Chris Mason vs. Lenny D, 5/30/03
-- "Hot Shit" Scott Henson vs. Chris Mason, 7/2/03
- As if that wasn't enough, we'll have two more matches up tomorrow, both from our 6/28/03 show: Jason Drake vs. Chris Mason vs. Psychotic Kid, and Yakuza J & Lenny D vs. Scott Henson & Daniel Makabe.
- Enjoy!

<11/5/03 @ 5:11 PM PST>

- Expect an ASSLOAD of new Full Matches (with commentary) up on Friday night. We should have the two Chris Mason/Lenny D matches from 3/23/03 and 5/30/03, respectively, the 12/14/02 Shane Mondo/Ghetto Pantera match, Man-Beast vs. Lenny D from 7/31/02, Scott Henson vs. Daniel Makabe from 1/5/02, the Lenny D/Daniel Makabe/Scott Henson 3 Way from 12/7/02, Chris Mason vs. Scott Henson from 7/2/03, Lenny D vs. Saiko Pantera from 8/3/02, and who knows what else.

<11/2/03 @ 3:52 AM PST>

- Haven't had a show since September 28th. Suckage. We were without the ASW ring for 3-4 weeks, and then about a week after it's in its new location, certain members of VBW go and fuck that up. So VBW is kicked outta there, but hopefully ASW and VCW will be allowed back once the owner of the building "cools down." If you've checked your calendar lately, you'll find that Halloween has passed and Scramble Madness 2: Halloween Edition hasn't happened. The lack of a ring is kinda the primary cause for this. Aubrey Gardens wasn't in too good shape either last time we checked it out (no wood, no tarp, but tires & padding still there). We may abandon the Aubrey location and move it elsewhere, because Lenny D, whose house served as the "home base" for the Aubrey shows, is moving to North Vancouver. Never fear, Scramble Madness 2 & Fall Fun-a-Bration will still happen, just as soon as we get back in the ring (hopefully next weekend). Scramble Madness 2 will probably not be "Halloween Edition" anymore, but that surely won't stop some of the participants from wearing masks, as was planned.
- Now, more importantly, we got THREE NEW MOFUCKIN' MUSIC VIDEOS FOR YA! Two of them cover our Aubrey Gardens shows (except the Round Robin shows) from the months of April to July and are title VCW Summer Action Series Volume 1 and 2. The third covers our most recent show: VCW's "LAST SHOW EVAR (until next week)" from Sept. 28th. Go watch 'em.
- We didn't do a Scramble on Halloween, so what did we do? Well, Scott Henson, Daniel Makabe, Lenny D, S2K, and some other random kids got together, got some fireworks, and, like all good things, it degenerated into a Roman Candle fight. AND we even had the foresight to tape it. It's in the Multimedia Section under "Other."


Old News:

2003: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October
2002: November, December