<2/27/03 @ 3:53 AM PST>
- Stemming from
the 2/23/03 show, the Results, Supershow, and Win/Loss sections have bee updated.
The match times (for the Results section) will be available in a few days.
- Also, in the Title History section, each title reign for the VCW Triple Crown
and VCW Canadian title now has the number of successful defenses listed. Read
it. It's fun.
- Finally, every bio has been updated. Some required large updates, some required
small ones, but they're all current and up-to-date now.
<2/26/03 @ 1:30 AM PST>
- VCW held its
eighth supershow at ASW's Wrestleplex on Sunday, February 23rd. From all accounts,
it was one of the VCDub's better shows. It started out big with the Triple Crown
match, with "Hot Shit" Scott Henson defending against Chris Mason.
It was a hard fought match, with Henson coming out with the victory after the
incredibly dangerous "You Sunk My Battleship" (Top-rope Emerald Frosion).
Next up was PesT defending the EBW Undisputed Title against Kenny Perfect. Kenny
got the duke after a series of reversals culminating in a Perfect Twist (Twist
of Fate), eliciting boos from the fans (we had fans, hooray!) who were solidly
behind PesT. We [VCW] hope that EBW continues to work with us, as they are welcome
additions to the roster. Chris Mason had his second match of the night against
ASW Superstar Zeus McFly. The two went to a 10 minute Time Limit Draw. After
the match, Henson gave McFly two of his most vicious CRITICAL!s ever, stating
afterward that if he didn't get to beat up Troll from ASW (who no-showed), then
he'd at least get to beat up McFly. The main event was a crazy match between
bitter rivals Lenny D. and "Insane" Shane Mondo. It was a very hard
hitting match. It started out with some STIFF shots to the face by both men.
Then, as the match progressed, it became apparent that Shane Mondo was trying
to weaken Lenny's back and neck, and Lenny was trying to take out Mondo's arm.
Near the end of the match, Mondo got on a roll, and began nailing Lenny with
some of his major power moves: Spicolli Driver, DVD2K2, Chokenstein, Chokebreaker,
and Muscle Buster (a new one for Mondo). After this, Lenny rolled out of the
ring along with the ref, and low-blowed him, which allowed Lenny to retrieve
his THUMBTACK BAT from under the ring. One shot to Mondo's skull (which was
shiny with thumbtacks after the shot), and 1-2-3, that's all she wrote. Post-match,
Mondo got some revenge on Lenny, hitting him with two thumbtack bat shots (one
to the back of the head and one to the exposed back). It was nuts. Also, thanks
to the injured Daniel Makabe for doing referee duty throughout the show.
- It should be noted that after Henson's match against Chris Mason, he did his
celebratory dance. Knowing Jimmy McGimmick (who has a habit of punching Scott
in the face when he does this dance) was banned from the building, Henson thought
he could dance in peace. Not so. Referee Daniel Makabe filled in for Jimmy and
smoked Henson in the face mid-dance. Makabe then cut a promo explaining that
he was not aligned with Jimmy, but wanted to get Henson's attention. Makabe
challenged Henson to a match at VCW's 1 Year Wrestleplex Aniversary show at
the end of April (this will be Makabe's first match back after his appendectomy).
Henson accepted the challenge on the condition that it be a No Time Limit match,
as 1 year ago, they went to a 30 minute draw.
- VCW's next supershow will likely be on the weekend of March 22nd. Rumored
matches include Scott Henson vs. Jimmy McGimmick for the VCW Triple Crown, Chris
Mason vs. Lenny D. for the VCW Canadian Title, and PesT (EBW) vs. Trez (EBW)
for a shot at the EBW Title with the EBW Champion himself Kenny Perfect as the
special referee.
<2/7/03 @ 5:48 PM PST>
- On 1/31/03, in
a match that will sadly never see the light of day, Chris Mason defeated Psychotic
Kid and Lenny D. in a 3 Way Dance to win the VCW Canadian Title.
- We are currently ringless (although one is under construction), so our next
show will likely by at the ASW Wrestleplex somewhere around February 21st. The
scheduled main event is a match seven months in the making: Lenny D. vs. "Insane"
Shane Mondo in a Barbed Wire Board Match. Also tentatively scheduled is a VCW
vs. ASW match featuring "Hot Shit" Scott Henson vs. The Troll (although
apparently his name is "Mad Dogg" now). Also on the card will be Chris
Mason defending his newly won Canadian Title, Jimmy McGimmick, and former VBW/EBW
stars PesT and Kenny Perfect. We also hope to see Ghetto Pantera, S2K, Matt
Williams, and Christian Drake at the show, but we have yet to confirm them.
- Daniel Makabe will most likely be at the show, but he will not be actively
participating, as he is recovering from an emergency appendectomy two weeks
ago. He looks to make his in-ring return at our 1 Year ASW Anniversary show
in April.
Old News:
2003: January
2002: November, December