<8/26/04 @ 3:32 AM PST>
- This isn't particularly wrestling related, but fuck you, I run this site.
Anyway, the postponed-from-Rick-James-Day-2 VCW Karaoke Extravaganza happened
tonight, and it was fabulous. Scott Henson, Yakuza J, Daniel Makabe, Shane
Mondo, and Zeus McFly took part, and it served as a sendoff for Yakuza J, who is
heading back to New York for another learning excursion until December. It was
preceded by dinner at Tony Roma's and proceeded by handjobs. All in all, a great
night. And if anyone is looking for a good karaoke place, we all highly
recommend Fantacity at 745 Thurlow in downtown Vancouver.
- In wrestling news, it looks like VCW is heading down to Washington to wrestle
LWO this Sunday. There is talk of creating a VCW/LWO Pacific Northwest Tag Team
Title, to be inaugurally decided in a match between Dazed and Confused (Zeus
McFly & Ruckus) and 2 Sexy Beasts (Pooder & Mo' Kwefe). Also scheduled are:
Scott Henson vs. Mayhem, Daniel Makabe vs. Throttle, and Jimmy McGimmick vs.
<8/23/04 @ 3:04 AM PST>
- ASSLOAD of new multimedia: one music video by the back-from-the-dead S2K
(8/14/04, Rick James Memorial Weekend Day 1) and three, count 'em, THREE full
matches with commentary: Scott Henson vs. Yakuza J from 7/4/04, and the main and
semi-main from 8/14/04 (Henson/Lenny vs. Yakuza/Makabe, and Mason vs. Psychotic
Kid). Enjoy!
<8/17/04 @ 4:31 AM PST>
- Way too much happened this weekend to possibly write about. The Results
section should give you the gist of it. Between the two days, we produced VCW's
two longest matches of all time, one of which was excellent (the Day 1 tag), and
one of which was ridiculous, but fun (the Day 2 three-way tag). And one would be
remiss not to talk about one of the sickest killfests of all time, that of
course being the Triple Crown match between Chris Mason and Psychotic Kid on Day
- Mucho thanks to the LWO boys for coming up. Things almost got totally fucked,
but they ended up okay, and you got to put on some great matches. We hope to see
you guys soon when we return the favour and head down your way.
- The night of Day 1, we FINALLY had the 2003 VCW Awards Benefit and Gala,
emceed by Scott Henson and Lenny D. The full results of the awards are now up in
the Mad VCW Info section. And hey, only 5 months till next year's awards!
- Basically every section of the site is updated so go on, check around.
<8/12/04 @ 3:26 AM PST>
- The webmaster has thoroughly nerded out and written detailed title defense
histories. Check it out in the Title History section.
- The Karaoke Extravaganza on Night 2 is off, due to lack of people's
availability. Everything else, including the Awards show on Night 1, is still
<8/10/04 @ 3:44 AM PST>
- The 5th Annual F*** the Censors double-shot weekend has been renamed the Rick
James Memorial Weekend. Day 1 will be subtitled "They Shoulda Never Gave You
Niggas Money" and Day 2 will be subtitled "It's a Celebration, Bitches." Expect
so many Dave Chappelle/Rick James references, that you get totally sick of them
about 10 minutes in. Anyway, there look to be a bunch of potential MOTYC's over
the weekend, and in fact the VCW MOTY may happen this very weekend, if people
can step it up.
- Saturday night, after our Day 1 show, will be (finally) the 2003 VCW Awards
Benefit and Gala at Denny's on 85th Avenue & Scott Road.
- Sunday night, after our Day 2 show, will be the first VCW Karaoke Extravaganza
at a karaoke bar to be determined soon. It truly is a celebration... bitches.
<8/9/04 @ 3:29 AM PST>
- No show today, unfortunately, due to lack of talent. Hopefully we can make up
for it this coming weekend with the big double-shot.
- Bunch of new videos up in the Multimedia section, so check them bitches out.
<8/7/04 @ 2:45 AM PST>
- Everyone's back from various out-of-town excursions, and it's time to get back
to business. VCW returns this Sunday with a small-ish show (no Mason, Yakuza, or
Makabe), but with a big main event of Scott Henson vs. Lenny D, as they try to
recreate their classic match from one year ago.
- The following weekend, August 14 & 15, is going to be anything BUT small. VCW
presents its first ever double-shot weekend, running back-to-back shows. The
"F*** the Censors" Supershow has grown so big (this year is the 5th Annual), it
needs two days to pack everything. Some matches announced are Chris Mason vs.
Psychotic Kid (Day 1), Scott Henson & Lenny D vs. Daniel Makabe & Yakuza J (Day
1), Daniel Makabe vs. Chris Mason (Day 2), and Yakuza J vs. Lenny D 2-of-3 Falls
(Day 2). Furthermore, Washington state backyard fed LWO is scheduled to come up
on Day 2 and put on some exhibition matches. We are also in talks with backyard
legend Kingpin to make an appearance on Day 2.
Old News:
January, February,
March, April,
May, June, July
2003: January,
February, March,
May, June,
July, August,
September, October,
November, December
2002: November, December