Interview with "Hot Shit" Scott Henson

How did you come to be a backyard wrestler://
Well, I’ve been a wrestling fan forever, and after watching WWF, WCW, and ECW for while, I said, “I can do this shit better than a lot of these goobers.” Then about five years ago I got into Puro, Lucha (and more recently North American Indies) and said, “I ain’t as good as these guys, but I can try to be.” So between my hate for the majority of mainstream North American wrestling and my love for foreign and independent wrestling, I decided to become a wrestler myself. As for VCW, the concept kinda started in 1999 with myself and “The Outstanding Athlete” Andrew Poole wrestling on my trampoline. Then I heard the Man-Beast liked wrestling, then he started inexplicably kicking my ass in the hallways, then we finally made something official out of it, and VCW was born.

Why ://
It’s fun, man.

Do you plan to go pro ://
Here’s the thing: it would be kinda fun to “live the dream” and what have you, but the truth is, my conditioning sucks, and I’m not really that big on the whole training scene.

Tell me something about your appearance ://
Summer: Loud T-shirt (often Hawaiian), baggy shorts, kneepads, and Masato Tanaka/Mitsuharu Misawa/Stan Hansen elbow-thingy on right arm. Winter: Long-sleeved navy blue shirt, black athletic shorts, grey bubble vest, and the aforementioned pads on underneather clothing. As for my personal appearance, I’m 6’0”, 222 lbs., gorgeous blond hair, and DECEPTIVELY STOCKY~!

Your style of wrestling ://
I sort of have two distinct styles. The first one is a mat-wrestling based one, with a lot of strikes and submissions, and a bit of flying thrown in (kind of Ikuto Hidaka-like, though he flies better and more often than me). My second style I usually utilize against smaller guys like Chris Mason & Bromine: it’s pretty much a “fuck psychology, let’s do a bunch of wack, head-dropping highspots” mentality. I like ‘em both.

Are there any wrestlers in the league you don't like ://
Work: MAKABE, Lenny D., Bromine, other heels. Shoot: I’m pretty cool with everyone.

Toughest opponent ://
The Man-Beast. Sumbitch broke my neck with a Tiger Driver ’91 in Summer 2000, thus ruining the “Summer of George” I was planning on having. Then in spring 2001, he gave me an unprotected powerbomb on the floor of the St. George’s Grade 12 Lounge and broke my back, thus keeping me off the Provincial Badminton Team. PROVINCIAL FUCKING BADMINTON, MAN!!

Best Partner ://
I believe I wrestled one match with MAKABE as my partner, so I guess him. I’ve never done a lot of consistent tag team stuff, though, so it’s not really that relevant a question for me right now. What? I was Tag Team Champions with the Hillbilly? Whatever.

Most spectacular match ://
Well, my most spectacular would probably be vs. Chris Mason on 7/2/01 or 9/15/01. My BEST match would be vs. MAKABE on 7/31/01 or any of numerous matches against the Man-Beast.

Have you won any titles ://
Probably gonna sound like a jerk, but I’ve pretty much done it all here. As of 11/18/01 (the date of this interview), I am a 3-time Triple Crown Champion, a 1-time Canadian Champion, a 1-time Tag Team Champion, and a 1-Time Hardcore Champion. Now I just have to lose some weight and win the Junior Heavyweight Title. Also of note: in 2000, I was the sole holder of the long-forgotten VCW Softcore Title.

Is there anyone in the fed you haven't rivaled with and want to ://
Maybe the two newer guys: S2K & Crimson Thunder Dragon. I’ve pretty much worked programs with everyone else.

Any Last Comments? ://<
Hmm, last comments, eh? I dunno, maybe I’ll just say some general stuff about VCW. We like to think of ourselves as one of the better backyard feds out there. We’ve seen footage of a lot of other feds, and from what we’ve seen, it’s basically all silly spots with little to no wrestling in between. We are one of the very few feds who can actually construct solid WRESTLING matches, and we pride ourselves on that. So, from a professional standpoint, we like to think that we suck the least.