with PesT"
(conducted by VCW Wrestler/Road Agent, Daniel Makabe)
Daniel Makabe: So to start things off, why don't you tell me a little bit about your beginnings in backyard
Pest: Well, in 1997 I was wrestling around with my brother, you all know him as Kenny Perfect, and I wanted to see what was online. The BYWF was my first stop and when I saw them, I just wanted to kill them in the "online" ratings. I loved Backyarding and loved the BYWF because they didn't give BYW a bad name. So EBW was born, and the Original 4, that being Kenny Perfect, ShowTime, RJ Thomson and me, went with it
D: the BYWF? Were they a local federation?
P: no, it's still around, they are the biggest online fed in the world. BYWF.com is still to this day providing wicked storylines and decent wrestling. They are from Misusage, Ontario, just outside of Toronto
D: gotcha. So when EBW started it was just 4 of you. Could you maybe give us an idea of the evolution of EBW over the years leading up until your association with VBW?
P: Sure bro, Well, EBW started, then I decided to let 2 new guys in, you know them as Trez and Eric Cage. From there I took more guys from ETW, a local fed, those being K-Daddy and The Assassin, and then a few others like Genuine and The Raj. We then had tryouts and Raptus tried out 3 times. We eventually brought him in and The Architect as well. Then VBW had an offer, so we went to the ring style
D: so all along, EBW was just in your backyard on the ground? Did you ever have the motivation to build a ring yourself?
P: yeah we thought about it, but we appreciated the BACKYARD style of it, so we decided not to. It was painful; there was nothing under that tarp, until the end when we decided to add a small carpet underlay, which actually did nothing....
D: I can imagine. So tell me a little bit about the deal with VBW? How did it all come to be? Did they just see your online stuff and became interested or did you seek them out?
P: they came to us. I was in talks with them secretly for a while. Then Just after A Night of Champions, the EBW's first "PPV", I fired Raptus, then The Architect quit EBW for VBW, we decided since we had lost our computer to upload shows, we should Flee to VBW and pray to stay online, where we could entertain....
D: Now at the time, who was in charge of VBW?
P: Mike Dempsey
D: all right. What was the atmosphere in VBW like at the time you first joined? Were they happy to acquire the majority of the EBW locker room or what? How were you guys greeted by them?
P: Well, it was basically kinda shitty off the start. I mean they had 4 guys, we brought in 9, and it was like they were doing us a favor. I really felt it was hard to talk to Mike Dempsey, from an Owner to Owner standpoint. But with time, Mike and me had many feuds and actually became really good friends backstage. once they saw what we were bringing to them, they realized where we could take VBW
D: What was the actual wrestling like in VBW compared to EBW? Do you think there was an improvement in the overall workrate of the federation? And how did you react to finally being able to work in a ring?
P: Well, EBW had better wrestlers, for sure, I mean we had been wrestling for 4 years prior to joining VBW, they were all new. The ring helped us all become very sound at what we were trying to accomplish in the backyard wrestling world, and brought a new found respect to the pro's
D: So things seemed to be on the upswing for you guys in VBW. What exactly would you label the turning point in your VBW career? Was there anything in particular which would lead to you guys leaving VBW?
P: Well, going beyond your call of duty I would say. The politics where shitty from the start, I mean, I didn't even get to keep my music cause it was heard on the Radio. They wanted me to wrestle my Last Man Standing Match, at the Ground Zero PPV against my brother, in the pouring rain. And to me, I don't get paid so I felt that was shitty. I offered to wrestle it another day, but they said no. My brother quit, so I followed to prove a point. It was on Remembrance Day
D: explain this Entrance Music controversy?
P: Well, everyone knows my music, One Step Closer by Linkin Park, and Mike Dempsey told me I couldn't use it cause it was on the radio, they wanted all original. So then Cage gets a Creed song and the Blaze Brothers get Limp Bizkit, figure that one out. Guess I sucked up to the wrong people.
D: you mean they had no issues with other people using themes by well known artists but wouldn't allow you to use yours?
P: They originally said that no one could, then that changed I guess, its just weird, cause Music is a key essential, and I didn't enjoy coming out to something that didn't feel right, just a personal preference
D: talk about double standards...
P: tell me about it
D: Now, if you could, maybe explain to us how VBW underwent a change of ownership. How exactly did Eric Cage take over for Mike Dempsey?
P: Well, VBW basically folded cause Mike was being run over by his wrestlers, so EBW was gonna re-open. When I was at Mania last year, Cage hit me with a bombshell saying that he is taking the yard we wrestle in, and Taking over VBW, which basically lost me about 800 bucks that I had just spent on a ring. From there I stopped talking to him for a very long time.
D: taking the yard you wrestle in? Could you maybe explain that statement a little bit?
P: Well, we were at our Refs house, you all know him as Michael Hardknob, and he basically said that VBW now has their ring set up there, so my new ring was basically homeless
D: so Eric Cage basically went behind your back to acquire what was going to be your ringspace?
P: Yup. He has a way of turning on his "best friend" it was the Port Coquitlam Screw Job in my eyes
D: the Poco Screw J eh? So here you were, without a place for your ring, not wanting to go back to VBW. What was it like, not wrestling for such a long period of time?
P: Actually this is where you and the rest of the world are lost, this what I will tell you has never been released before
D: all right
P: I actually joined VBW again, and worked backstage training with every VBW superstar and helping them all out, with the help of my brother Kenny perfect and Trez. We where all gonna debut at the PPV Clash of the Titans where I would win the Battle Royal by sending MoFo over the top and earning my title shot. We were working a EBW invasion angle, it just never happened because of a bad move by a VBW wrestler that got us kicked out of the backyard for good.... After that I had enough of immaturity
D: could you maybe tell us what this incident was that was the last straw for you in VBW?
P: sure, this is a full out True Behind the scenes interview, I will not lie. It was a Pre-PPV party two days before, where Raptus lit a fire at the side of the house. This got us kicked out. From there when we pleaded our case to stay, Ruckus and Drake Dredd decided that it would be funny to Tear up the owners driveway with a Garden Claw.... I love Kids don't you?
D: you have got to be kidding me
P: nope, I kid you not brother
D: all I have to say is... holy cow
P: yes, its pretty embarrassing, especially being the age we are
D: for sure. So does this basically bring us to the present and your return to BYW in VCW?
P: Yak, well, I have been training for a while, with my Bo, VCW gave us the opportunity to wrestle in the ring, so we decided to give it a shot. It was an honour to be asked to grapple for a fed that has always been in touch with the EBW
D: How did you feel the show as a whole went off? What did you think of some of the VCW wrestling you were seeing and what did you think of VCW in general (and the possibility of working with them more in the future)
P: well, working for them, for sure, as for the style, to be honest with you, I disliked a lot of it. I liked some of the styles, but a lot was too sloppy. It just wasn't what I usually like. As for the Baseball bat Thumbtack stuff, that’s just going beyond the call of duty. VCW has some great wrestling, but guys like Lenny D need to Wrestle cause they are good, instead of just going for the cheap pop. I liked the show overall
D: interesting
P: Yeah, I missed you in the ring, as well as Bromine and S2K
D: thank you very much. Now, for a little bit more of a broad question. What has been your favourite match in your BYW career?
P: umm...well I can't just name one, so I will name 3. A Night of Champions, EBW 2 out of 3 falls match against Cage for my Title and Ownership, VBW Triple Threat show 5 against Trez and Kenny Perfect, and the most recent match, EBW Extreme Undisputed Championship Match against Kenny Perfect in VCW at ASW "Ass Slapping Contest".
D: Do you know if there are any plans for other former EBW stars to be making their debut for VCW in the near future? How exactly do you see the VCW/EBW relationship working out? Do you think there will come a day where they will amalgamate and become one large SUPER fed or are you happy as things are with being 'EBW' workers, wrestling on 'VCW' shows?
P: I like the way it is now, at least for the moment. As of now, The next VCW show will have Two Matches with EBW talent in it. I will face Trez for the Number One Contendership for the Title, with Kenny Perfect as the special guest ref. The winner will go on to face Kenny Perfect at the VCW One Year at ASW Anniversary show. Kenny Perfect will also be defending his title that night against ShowTime, another EBW star. They haven't met since ShowTime pushed Perfect off the roof through the table to win the EBW Extreme Title in the Last Man Standing Match at A Night of Champions. Should be an awesome edition to the card
D: do you see the possibility of some interpromotional matches between the two? VCW + EBW that is
P: Quite possibly, you never know in the wrestling world. Anything can happen so I wouldn't rule it out
D: now, looking ahead to the future. Do you see yourself ever turning pro, at some point in your life?
P: no, it was never something I seriously looked at. There where times when I was on top in the backyard world, in the fans mind, but it takes a lot to go pro. I just love doing what I do now and basically having a blast when I do get to show off in the ring. Nothing can take that fun away from me.
D: that's a very good attitude to have. A lot of the times nowadays you get kids with big ideas in their heads and they don't really see what the road ahead of them holds. Very sensible
P: o for sure, if kids only knew, the chances are slim and doing the 'crazy' stuff wont get you noticed. Look into a school if you want to go pro. That's my advice. Do it the smart way and most importantly. HAVE FUN
D: words to live by. If you don't mind, I was hoping we could do a little bit of word association, spanning your career, before we closed this interview out. Does that sound okay?
P: For sure, I would love that....
D: alright, first thing's first... Kenny Perfect
P: Underrated, tons of potential and the New EBW Extreme Undisputed Champion, not because I wanted to give up the title, because he deserves it for his ability to work one hell of a match with anyone he faces. My favourite opponent
D: good stuff. How about Trez?
P: All Heart. What you also don't know about VBW is he won the Heavyweight Title, but they decided to scrap the show, so it was never seen. He to me is the man who I can see making it big in the wrestling world. The best man I have ever worked with in the ring, by far.
D: Mike Dempsey
P: Great Guy, very good in the ring, just needs to quite letting guys push him around cause he has ideas that could change the BYW world....
D: how about Big Mofo Rob?
P: Very nice guy, we got along great, but, he gets stabbed in the back a lot and the sad part is, is that he doesn't even hear it coming
D: how big is he in actuality?
P: 6'4 and a good 270lbs. he is a monster. Very scary, a gentle giant
D: sounds like one
P: Yak, nice guy
D: what about Raptus?
P: Well, he is a piece of crap. Everything about him. He is that big log that you can never flush in one turn. I wish I had never met him, and never gave him the chance to become the biggest upset in BYW
D: how'd u first meet him?
P: we had a fight in Grade 5, he was in grade 4. He kind of beat me up bad, cause I was a pinner and he was a bully. Kind of a funny story....
D: interesting. what about Eric Cage?
P: Vince McMahon. He is an Egotistical Bastard who plays it like it's in front of him. If he likes you, you are on top, till something hits him, Or the "VBW Clique" has something to say, then you will be forgotten like yesterday's newspaper. He will leave you high and dry and walk all over you with his big head
D: you two were friends at one point, no?
P: Best Friends, then I realized that being treated like shit everyday isn't what friends do. He actually lost many friends because of that. That's ok, he had it coming to him, but his Ego probably helped him get out of it fast, cause he doesn't care about anyone or anything but making himself look better
D: Strong words
P: I only speak the truth
D: I find it interesting that you describe him as 'Vince McMahon' because it's a perfect segue to the next phase in your BYW career. A man in VCW who refers to himself as 'Vancouver Vince', "Hot Shit" Scott Henson
P: Scotty is a good guy with a lot of heart. He is a stiff son of a bitch who I personally would be afraid to wrestle, for my life, haha, he knows what is going on though and I admire him for that
D: What do you think of the possibility of Scott and Co. working with VBW in the future?
P: Well, I know Scott will go nowhere just because of his style and I am sorry to say that. Mason will get a good run at the Canadian Title, and Lenny D will bring back Hardcore to the Backyard, which I think isn't a good idea cause once again, its not wrestling to have thumbtacks in the ring. But hey, I wish them all the best of luck and hope Cage doesn't hurt them, both mentally and physically
D: I don't think he has a chance to hurt them physically. or ever will
P: You don't know how he works. but anyway
D: yeah, moving along. another VCW talent you just mentioned, Chris Mason
P: Well, he is the guy that everyone loves to through around. He is good in the ring, and a wicked person outside of the ring. I like the kid and he has potential, just stop looking into the camera!
D: heh, I can personally confess to being one of the guys who loves to throw him around
P: haha, it can be fun....
D: for sure. Daniel Makabe
P: Great guy, very technical and he can go the distance with anyone. I loved Dan vs. Yakuza J from 2 shows ago, very good match. Could give good ol' PesT a run for his money. haha
D: ha. alright... EBW
P: The Best Ever. Single handily posed the only online threat the BYWF has ever had. EBW lives on, it was about Fun and Wrestling, not about Fame and Fortune, we did what we did because we loved it and most importantly, the fans loved it. "No Matter How Hard You Try You Can't Stop Us Now"
D: how about VBW?
P: Great Production, Shitty Moral backstage, everyone had their little groups, and if you weren't in the Cage "VBW Clique" then you had no chance to succeed
P: Great group of guys, lots of potential. Great production, but they need to slow down the Japanese Style and focus on something a little more technical. I love working for them though. Nice guys in there
D: Do you think there will ever be harmony between the 3 major backyard promotions in the lower mainland? Do you think a super card would ever work featuring talent from all 3 feds (or something along those lines)?
P: not unless VBW is aloud to win. haha. You wouldn't hear the end of it
D: alright. Last, but certainly not least... Pest
P: I will try to not be bias here. From what people tell me, I have a character that is remembered from the first time that you see me wrestle. Technical, and a great face with some spurts of heel in my blood. I live for the over all show, and love looking out for my wrestlers backstage. When you say PesT, you can usually be safe to say he is a good man
D: nice. Any closing comments or final words you'd like to leave us with?
P: VBWho? VCWhat? EBDub! I would just like to thank you for the time, and give a shout out to some people who weren't Mentioned, like ShowTime, The Goat James Blade, Dallas Kline, Mini-G, Jimmy Dean and Wigga T, as well as all the others I mentioned. Just a final thought for you all, When you hear the theme, you are One Step Closer to a Pesticider, so remember, Don't Test the PesT!
D: Thanks a lot for the interview. I definitely look forward to seeing you compete with VCW in the future
P: No Problem. Thank you. It was an honour