Interview with "The Manbeast" Justin Chu

How did you come to be a backyard wrestler://
I really don't know how it started. I guess with me and "Hot Shit" messin' around in our school hallways. What started as simple jostling ended one day in a chokeslam, by me of course. From then on, we decided, "hey, this is fun! Might as well do this on a higher level!" And so that's pretty much the start of the modern VCW.

Oh, I don't know. It was pretty fun, and at that time I was just getting back into being a regular wrestling fan. How better to be a fan than to know what it's like?

Do you plan to go pro ://
Likely not... I have a long road of education ahead of me. But who knows, I may very well go pro some day...

Tell me something about your appearance ://
Well, firstly, most people tell me "you've got to be exaggerating your stats. You can't really weigh 260 pounds! That Hillbilly guy's much bigger lookin' than you and he's only like 240!" I'm built really compacted. A lot of my bodyweight is *surprisingly* muscle, most of which is in my legs. Most people can look at my legs and say "shit, those are massive tree trunks of legs." They're right, but what they may not know is that these legs are capable of leg-pressing almost 1000 pounds.

Your style of wrestling ://
I like to think of myself as a technical powerhouse, almost to a point where it's emulating the Strong Style that is typical of Japanese heavyweights. I can work stiff and use less actual power moves against larger guys, or I can switch to a guy who pretty much uses only power moves against smaller opponents.

Are there any wrestlers in the league you don't like ://
I really have no beef with any particular person in the fed. There are a few things I don't like about some people, like Youth N Asia's refusal to sell any move, but rather, go limp immediately. It makes both wrestlers foolish.

Toughest opponent ://
I gotta say that Hardcore Hillbilly is one tough son of a bitch. You can wail on that guy over and over and he'll be fine.

Best Partner ://
Well, I gotta say that Hot Shit is my best partner. We used to terrorize the rest of the fed by throwing 3-Ds at everybody possible.

Most spectacular match ://
Again, I gotta say with Hot Shit. He and I have had so many epic matches it's not even funny at this point.

Did you get any Titles ://
I've won the world twice (once with the old VCW and once with the new VCW) and the tag once (in the new).

Is there anyone in the fed you haven't rivaled with, and want to ://
Chris Mason.

Why ://
He's very technically sound, as he's willing to take large bumps as well as dish them out. And plus, he's quite small, so that'll make for some fun spots.