Name "Insane" Shane Mondo |
Former Aliases Dr. Shane Sweeney, Mondo WX | |
From Coquitlam, BC, Canada | |
Height 6'4" / 193 cm | |
Weight 235 lbs / 106.8 kg | |
Date of Birth September 23, 1984 | |
Style Standard Yard-Tard/Viking's Road | |
Goals To make people laugh. | |
Inspirations Jacob Bannon | |
Drink of Choice Pepsi | |
Titles VCW Canadian Title | |
Theme Poison the Well - "To Mandate Heaven" | |
Trademark Moves Chokenstein, Neckbreaker, Donkey Punch, Apron Dive Dropkick, Ho-Train, Godsmack (Fireman's Cary to Ace Crusher), DVD2K1 (Electric Chair Death Valley Driver) | |
Specialty Moves Louie Spicolli Death Valley Driver, Pain Thriller (Neckdrop Olympic Slam) | |