Name Kingpin
Former Aliases The Ugly American
From Shoreline, WA, U.S.A.
Height 6'3"/ 190.5 cm
Weight 444 lbs/ 201.4 kg
Date of Birth August 13, 1983
Style Drunken Bear/Viking's Road
Goals To prove that I have nothing to prove
Inspirations Mick Foley, Vader, Mantaur
Drink of Choice 2% Milk
Titles n/a
Theme Leeway - "Kingpin"
Trademark Moves Last Supper (Fat Guy Splash), 7-10 Split (Wishbone Legdrop), Gutwrench Suplex, Botched Submissions
Specialty Moves The Fecalator (Deadlift Reverse Powerbomb)
Desperation Move(s) Seated Fallaway Slam, Urine Mist